
Cancellation policy: Appointments

Clients should notify their trainer, therapist and/or the studio of any changes a minimum of 24 hours prior to their next training session to avoid billing.. If the client is unable to cancel within this time frame, they will be charged a $35 late fee upon first infringement. The second infringement of the policy will result in a full service charge as cancellation fee.

Cancellation policy: PowerWatts

For 6am classes you must cancel before 10pm the night prior to your class. For all other classes you must cancel no later than 1 hour prior to the start of  your class. Failure to show up for any appointment or class will be subject to a full charge or a loss of that credit.

Class Expiration Policy

  • PowerWatts session packages expire at the end of that session. Any remaining credits will not carry over to the following session.

  • Drop in packages expire one year from date of purchase. Credits for classes are valid for ONE year from the date of purchase.

Lost or stolen items 

Premiere Performance is not responsible for any lost or stolen objects. You can safely store your personal belongings in the mini lockers out front or in the changing rooms. Please contact us if you’ve forgotten something so we can put it aside.

Gym Policies

  • Coats and boots must be left at the front upon entering. During the winter and rainy days please bring clean indoor shoes for your visit.

  • Clients are expected to tidy up after themselves, return equipment back to its original place and make sure to wipe them off.

  • Towels are available for use and should be placed in the bins when you are done.

Health and Safety

If you have a cold or flu we ask that you stay home. If you are displaying symptoms the staff reserves the right to ask you to leave. 

Refund Policy

Refunds will be treated on a case by case basis.